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Feb 7, 20183 min read
The Pain and Anxiety of Love
As a newer father I have found that my emotional capacity for love has dramatically increased and is now embarking into uncharted...

Jun 20, 20172 min read
A Thin Theology of Discipleship
I come from a spiritual environment where the term disciple is used often, and is generally preferred over Christian. I understand where...

May 29, 20172 min read
What Do We Memorialize?
My birthday is today, on this country's national holiday, "Memorial Day", in which we honor and celebrate those who died in the service...

May 12, 20171 min read
Disciple Making First: an interview with Bobby Harrington
In this interview with Bobby Harrington (pastor of Harpeth Christian Church, founder of, keynote at UNBOXED 2017, and...

Apr 12, 20172 min read
The Last Enslavement
Slavery is still alive and well today in every country, under every language, tribe, and corner of our globe. This slavery doesn't...

Mar 28, 20173 min read
Eating The Meat, Leaving The Bones
In the 21st century where so much of our information can be fed to us by algorithms and marketing ploys, growing in the ability to...

Feb 15, 20172 min read
Could YOU see Hitler In Heaven?
I came across this idea in something I read recently ... could you see Hitler in heaven? Before you make a judgement, just stop and...

Feb 9, 20171 min read
Going From "X" - The False Gospels
When we start from the right place and are aware of counterfeit gospel messages we can be ready to multiply the gospel through Christ...

Dec 17, 20166 min read
Helping "Toni"
Previously we looked at a scenario with "Toni" and how as Christians we might help someone who is "stuck" in sexual sin, such as...

Nov 4, 20162 min read
Can you help "Toni"?
Our case study begins with “Toni”, a single person, 33 years old. You might be able to fill in the rest of this story, because the...

Jul 27, 20163 min read
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: A Modern "Faith"
Today's Christian faith in the western world has taken a sharp turn in modern multiculturalism. A new faith has, and is, emerging...

Apr 17, 20162 min read
Subduing & Co-Creating
Man was told by God in Genesis 1 to subdue the earth, to tend the garden and to do work that was only joyful, and to rule over the...

Apr 17, 20162 min read
99 Problems, But The Fear of Death Ain't One
I can appreciate Jay-Z's lyrics ... at least partially. I can relate to him, I do have "99 problems", of an assorted variety ... but all...

Mar 21, 20165 min read
Was Jesus A Real Historical Figure?
On the internet, you can find the 10 top supposed reasons that Jesus Christ did not exist as a real historical figure. How would you...

Feb 14, 20163 min read
10 Must Reads For Every Christian
Here is a list of what I would call must reads this year for anyone wanting to grow and be stretched in their Christian walk. Covering...

Jan 28, 20163 min read
Christology = the branch of Christian theology relating to the person, nature, and role of Christ. In short, "Who Was Jesus?" Implicit...

Jan 20, 20162 min read
Can God Make A Rock Even He Can't Move?
Many of you have heard of the argument against God's omnipotence (all powerfulness) that goes something like this; If God can do...

Jan 7, 20162 min read
If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize?
“If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is...

Nov 3, 20142 min read
The Power of One
What can one person do? In the midst of this world, so vast and enormous in it's influence and sway … the weight of global suffering,...

Sep 2, 20143 min read
The Will of God
The will of God is an interesting topic, one that you here people talk about all the time ... but how do we know what God's will actually...
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