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Gender & Sexuality in the 21st Century: an interview with Ellen Radcliff

Here I interview Ellen Radcliff, a licensed marriage and family therapist who used to live as a lesbian, and now lives her life radically for Jesus. And no, she didn't pray the gay away.

Ellen serves as COO (deputy director) of Strength In Weakness ministries and helps Christians with unwanted same sex attractions and gender identity issues find their hope, joy, fulfillment, and identity in Jesus.

In this interview we discuss topics of homosexuality, transgender, and other sexual identity issues. This interview will help young people that are saturated in a culture that encourages, even demands, a gender and sexual identity that is far from the creator's intent. It will also help parents and grandparents be better able to discuss topics of faith, gender and sexuality in ways that are helpful and promotes dialogue.


Strength In Weakness Ministries:

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