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About This Class

Exploring the nature of the Bible as a story and its meta-narrative​

Course ​Description

This course is designed for beginner Bible students that are seeking to better understand, interpret, and apply the Bible while avoiding common mistakes. The Bible is a robust collection of ancient books that hold great wisdom and life giving knowledge for us as we seek God.

​What you will learn

✓  Students will learn the overall story of the Bible and the nature of progressive revelation

✓  Students will explore a meta-narrative hermeneutical framework

✓  Students will learn how to view themselves as participants in God's story

✓  Students will have bibliographies for further study on the subject

​Course requirement

  • A recent translation of the Bible

  • A curious mind and willingness to learn

At a Glance:

Jon Sherwood  +  The Bible Project


To provide students with a greater understanding of the Bible primarily as a story and employing a meta-narrative hermeneutic framework. 

​Skill Level:



Videos: 8

Time: 30 mins


the story of the bible

exploring the nature of the Bible as a story and its meta-narrative 

story of the Bible vids

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These classes are free because of generous supporters like you.

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