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Divine Revelation

New Year's resolutions are nothing new. And for almost every single one of us unfortunately failed New Year's resolutions are nothing new as well. Have you ever started a new year not wanting to lose weight? Obesity is one of our national sin's.

Many times we simply get tired of feeling like we are failing at our intended change so we just stop trying. We don't even make "resolutions" any more because why get our hopes up after we have failed to follow through so many times before?


"How bad do you want it!? New Year's resolutions can't just be about will power." (Jn 15:5) [tweet this]


I want to give some tips, not of what your New Year's resolutions should be, but how you can ensure greater victory with those decisions.

  1. Fully count the cost

  • Many of the things that we want to change or achieve are going to come at cost, and most of the time it is going to be a pretty steep cost because let's face it, if it didn't cost us much, we would have already done it right?

  1. Do a sunset review

  • ​A lot of times we don't have a system to help us stay on track of our goals and intentions. At the end of every year before the New Year comes, I will do what I call a 'sunset review' of the past year to see how I have done. It's a time to reflect and assess whether I stayed on track, take an account of what I did well in and made significant progress in, and what I didn't. This is also the time that I will look forward to the next year and set new goals (or re-set old goals) in many of the large areas of my life; personal, spiritual, marriage, career, etc.

  1. Have some form of accountability

  • ​None of us can do life on our own. At least not very well. Not only do we need divine help and intervention to carry out our good desires (c.f. Rom 7:21-25; Jn 15:5) but we also need some healthy and helpful accountability from a friend. Talk to someone close to you that you have consistent contact with and employ them to help you on your journey to change this year.

  1. Check-in throughout the year​

  • ​A key component to being able to follow through with our goals is to have markers along the way to the destination. Goals are great to have, for "if you aim at nothing, you are bound to hit it every time", but we also need to remember to keep the goals in front of us over time because all of our memories are fairly weak. Let's face it, you have until about mid-Feb at the latest before you are going to need reminding, and perhaps re-inspiration, to stay on track.

  1. Don't Give Up​

  • ​One thing is for sure, this is going to take perseverance. We can't give up, no matter how badly we fail at achieving our goals. Re-adjusting, re-evaluating, re-defining, sure ... but quitting? NEVER. No one can ever take perseverance from you.

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